According to Reuters, Germany’s federal cybersecurity watchdog (BSI) said on January 13 that there was no evidence of a “censorship” function in phones made by China’s Xiaomi. “The bureau has not identified any anomalies requiring further investigation or other response measures,” a spokesman said.
In September last year, the National Cyber Security Center of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense concocted a so-called “product investigation report”, claiming that Xiaomi’s flagship mobile phones sold in Europe have built-in detection and censorship capabilities, capable of detecting sensitive issues involving some violations of the “One China” principle words.
The report also mentioned that after investigating three mobile phones of Xiaomi, Huawei, and OnePlus, three so-called “potential risks” were found on Xiaomi devices, one Huawei P40 mobile phone, and no network security vulnerabilities were found on OnePlus devices.
Just after the report was issued, Germany began a follow-up investigation. A Xiaomi spokesperson responded to a report from Lithuania on September 22 last year: ” Xiaomi has never and will never restrict or prevent any personal behavior of users, such as searching, calling, browsing the web, or using third-party communication software” and said Xiaomi “does not censor users’ communications” and “fully respects and protects the legal rights of all users,” adding that Xiaomi phones comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).