According to the latest report, Videocardz revealed AMD’s upcoming 7020 series entry-level mobile processors. As shown in the picture, the new processors include Athlon Gold 7220U, R3 7320U, and R5 7520U, with up to 4 cores and 8 threads, 8-15W TDP, and Radeon 610M core graphics.
According to previous rumors, the nuclear display is 2CU RNDA2. Moreover, with AMD’s latest naming specifications, this series of 7020 processors will use the Zen2 architecture. This series of processors should be the Mendocino mobile APU previously announced by AMD. It adopts a 4-core Zen2 + RDNA2 core display design and uses a 6nm process.
A few days ago, AMD’s flagship model R9 7950X of the Ryzen 7000 processor appeared on Geekbench. The R9 7950X has 16 cores and 32 threads, with a main frequency of 4.5GHz, an acceleration frequency of 5.7GHz, a 64MB L3 cache, and a 32GB DDR5-6000 memory.