
New leak reveals Redmi’s new device uses LCD screen, design similar to Xiaomi 12

The blogger Digital Chat Station broke the news that Redmi has a new device in the process of polishing that uses a design language similar to the Xiaomi 12 matrix camera.

From the configuration point of view, the Redmi phone may be positioned as a mid-range or entry-level phone. Because Redmi uses OLED screens in all flagship products, LCD screens are currently applied to product lines such as the Redmi Note series and the Redmi digital series.


Take the Redmi Note 10 Pro released in the first half of last year as an example. This phone uses a high-brush LCD screen with a screen size of 6.6 inches. Officials call it a “flagship LCD screen”.

It supports 6-speed variable speed adjustment, including 30Hz, 48Hz, 50Hz, 60Hz, 90Hz, and 120Hz, a total of 6-speed frame rates, intelligently matching the usage scenarios, while ensuring smoothness while also taking into account power saving.

After nearly a year, a new Redmi LCD screen phone is about to debut, which may be the Redmi Note series or Redmi digital series products. According to Redmi’s ultimate cost-effective positioning, the price of the new phone is worth looking forward to.

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